After that, throw 2 more sticky grenades on it, and whatch it explode to reveal a hidden stair case. Throw 2 sticky grenades on the door, then examine it. Don't go to the smaller building to the right. The door on the right has the Sultan's room. The one at the left that looks like a church or 3 loafs of bread put together. At the end, after you have blown up the fuel depot, There will be two old looking buildings by the mountain-dead end. This room is located in the second British level. The explosion Will reveal this VERY CREEPY room. Throw a couple of grenades into the alcove, then examine the door and throw one more grenade into it. There is a small alcove on the right side of this room. In the level where you enter the undergound tunnels to blow up the ladders, start by going down the spiral staircase to dispose of the germans. Besides a 20 story giant red apple, at least. Continue driving into the apple to find one of the strangest thing I've ever found in a WWII game. Continue down the road and in about 30 seconds to a minute to should see a large red apple in the distance.

From here turn to your left and locate a road that follows around the mountain away from the rest of the level. Drive up the embankment directly to the right of the tree and right through the level's collision wall. 20 story red apple with a lil' somethin' insideĪt the beginning of Operation Little Saturn, in the Russian campaign (it's one of the tank levels), turn immediately to your left and find a single tree sitting on the slope of the embankment that doubles as the level's collision wall.Call of Duty: Finest Hour Cheats For PlayStation 2